Senator Saland Presents Resolution Honoring Community Leader
Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) today presented a resolution and flag to the family of the late Susan H. Conte of Stottville, honoring her as a distinguished leader and devoted member of her community. Ms. Conte passed in July of 2006 at the age of 65 after a long and celebrated career.
"Susan Conte was a woman of great character whose strength of purpose and civic commitment defined her as a true community leader," said Senator Saland. "She was a remarkable woman who gave selflessly to her community time and again and deserves to be honored for her sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the welfare of her community."
Ms. Conte was the first female Town Justice for Stockport, a position she held for over 17 years. She also was a member and past president of the Columbia County Magistrates Association, member of the New York State Magistrates Association, member and past president of the Stottville Fire Company Ladies Auxilliary, member of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary and one of the founders of the Hudson Jr. Girls Softball League.