Senator Farley Seeks Participants For Healthy Heart Day On Feb. 14th

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R,C - Schenectady) is inviting non-profit health organizations to participate in "Healthy Heart Day" on Monday, February 14th, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Riverfront Center in Amsterdam.
"I’ve been hosting this event for the past several years and each time it has been terribly successful," Senator Farley said. "People typically make resolutions at the start of the year to improve their health. Having this health fair a month after people make their resolutions can help re-energize those who may have lost sight of their goals. They can come talk to health organizations and learn tips to help keep them going on the path to health success."
"February is also the month for Valentines and paper hearts, which is a good reminder to focus on the health of your real heart," Senator Farley said. "Cardiovascular disease is something that everyone needs to be concerned about. Cardiovascular disease includes high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure and stroke."
"Anyone interested in participating should contact my Amsterdam District Office. It is free to participate. Please tell my staff if you have special needs such as outlets for electricity, or tables and chairs," Senator Farley said.
For more information on "Healthy Heart Day," please call 843-2188.