Local School Grants Announced
ONEONTA, 12/15/08 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/I/C – Oneonta) today announced that four local schools have received mini-grants from the Rural Education Advisory Committee.
“Assisting schools with funding of this nature enhances programs for students and does so without raising local taxes,” said Senator Seward. “This is a win-win situation, especially in these trying economic times when schools are struggling with the bottom line.”
Local grant recipients are:
Milford CSD Building Bridges $2,784
Mount Markham Elementary Organic Garden Project $3,000
Sherburne-Earlville CSD Community/School Connections $3,000
for Literacy Success
Worcester Central School Know Your Local History $3,000
The Rural Education Advisory Committee was created in 1990 through legislation advanced by the bipartisan Legislative Commission on Rural Resources. The grants were made possible by a senate legislative appropriation in the 2008-2009 budget.
Thirty five innovative instructional programs were selected out of the ninety five applications submitted by rural school districts statewide. The maximum award for each project is $3,000 to be matched by local in kind and cash contributions.