Senate Passes “REPAIR Act”
The New York State Senate today passed the "New York State Responsibility, Performance, Accountability, Initiative and Results (REPAIR) Act" of 2008. This comprehensive measure (S154-B) would require all state agencies to develop long-term strategic plans, follow performance budgeting principles, and enable the public, the Division of Budget and the Legislature to better evaluate the fiscal management and actual performance of virtually all State government programs.
"The REPAIR Act is a report card on State government. This bill is modeled on a federal initiative which recently won the prestigious Innovations in American Government Awards administered by the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard
University’s Kennedy School of Government and the Council for Excellence in Government. With this legislation, New York State residents will be able to tell if the agencies which provide important, life-improving services to
people ranging from children to seniors are getting their money’s worth, and if our families are being served. This bill will go a long way in giving New Yorkers peace of mind, and the security in knowing that they are not getting ripped off by the government that is pledged to serve them," said Senator Golden.