Seward: Coby Gets New Campus Funding
Senator James L. Seward today announced that SUNYCobleskill will receive more than $40 million toward two campus projects as part of SUNY's new five year capital plan in the new state budget. The bill will be passed today, April 9.
The State University College at Cobleskill will receive $38.2 million in SUNY funding in the state's 2008-2009 budget for its Agriculture, Science and Technology Building and $3.7 million for an environmental, science and technology building on the Cobleskill campus. In addition, the SUNY budget will fund $7 million in critical maintenance funding at the Cobleskill campus, which pays to upgrade and update existing infrastructure.
"This is good news for SUNY Cobleskill, Schoharie County, the faculty and students," Senator Seward said. "As a member of the Senate Higher Education Committee, I fought to include these projects in the SUNY five year capital plan because it is a campus priority and will provide a much needed boost to the campus -- making it more attractive to students and its construction helping the local economy."
"The college is again indebted to Senator Seward for his help in moving our campus forward," said SUNY Cobleskill Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Anne C. Myers. "The capital funding will be spent on laboratories for researching new energy and other technologies, including the gasifier project for which we have already received almost $4 million in federal appropriations. A new Agricultural Science Building is long overdue as our present facilities were constructed fifty years ago for a different set of circumstances that would not have foreseen aquaponics, energy efficient greenhouses, sustainable agriculture, and other new developments in agriculture. We will now be better able to prepare our students to meet the challenges of the future."
"This has been a difficult budget process, requiring balancing of many critical priorities," said Assemblyman Pete Lopez. "Despite the challenges we faced this year, I’m pleased to have worked with my colleague, Senator Jim Seward, in securing this much needed investment in SUNY Cobleskill. New York’s future depends on ensuring we have a skilled, educated workforce. SUNY Cobleskill is a vital part of that equation."
A new state of the art agriculture, science and technology building will be built where the campus's fish lab and other buildings are located currently. It will house academic programs in fish and wildlife, animal science and plant science.
The environmental science and technology building will house the campus's work on energy and waste technologies, including the college's gasifier.
Seward notified Provost Myers Tuesday night.
The funding is part of a new SUNY five year capital plan. Projects are bonded by the state university.
Seward has been instrumental in winning projects for the campus.