Seward Comments On State Budget
ALBANY, 12/16/08 -- Senator James L. Seward commented on the governor's proposed 2008-2009 state budget, unveiled in Albany today.
“My initial reaction to the governor’s budget presentation is that it is woefully inadequate for the tough times that lie ahead. The proposal has everything except what New Yorkers need… property tax relief and new jobs.
“Families are tightening their belts and with a deficit approaching $15 billion, so should the state. This is no time to call for increased welfare spending, and over $4 billion in new taxes and fees. These proposals will hit middle class families, senior citizens and businesses, and will lead to the loss of more jobs, particularly upstate. Transferring the state’s woes to local property taxpayers is not the answer.
“At no point did the governor mention the need for job growth. The only way out of this current fiscal downturn is to increase opportunities in the state. The senate has advanced a job creation plan that would make New York more competitive, revitalize upstate communities, and encourage young people to live and work in their home state. This plan needs to be part of the budget discussion as we go forward.
“I commend the governor for taking on this tough fiscal challenge. Now we must work in an open, bipartisan manner to enact an early budget that keeps taxes and fees in check, and encourages business growth. We need to lower the cost of doing business, reduce red tape, and cut property taxes in order to provide a brighter future for all New Yorkers.”