Seward: Localities Eligible For Efficiency Grants
Goal is reduced pressure on property taxes
ALBANY, 8/26/08 -- The state is accepting applications from local governments for projects that involve municipal shared services and result in savings to local taxpayers, Senator James L. Seward (R/I/C-Oneonta) announced today.
“This is about doing whatever we can to relieve property tax burdens for families, seniors and small business owners," Senator Seward said. “The program offers municipalities the chance to develop plans to work together to help reduce costs while maintaining the quality services New Yorkers have come to expect. The savings can mean property tax relief for local taxpayers.”
Grant categories include high priority planning grants; general efficiency planning grants; efficiency implementation grants and 21st Century Demonstration projects. Depending on the category and proposal, grants range up to $400,000. Most are significantly less.
Local government efficiency grants are geared toward the development of projects that achieve savings and improve municipal efficiency through shared services, cooperative agreements, mergers, consolidations and dissolution. Those eligible to apply for the Shared Municipal Services Incentive program in 2007 remain eligible for the Local Government Efficiency program. Counties, cities, towns, villages, special improvement districts, fire districts, school districts, and BOCES are all eligible.
To date, the state has awarded a total of $29.8 million dollars to 161 successful projects. Localities can contact the Department of State or see www.dos.state.ny.us/lgss.