Bonacic Expresses Opposition To Commuter Tax
State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) announced today his opposition to Speaker Silver’s proposal to impose a commuter tax, as well as any other proposals that include new tax increases.
Senator Bonacic stated, "Any new tax places an increasing financial burden on the thousands of Hudson Valley commuters I represent who regularly travel to work in the City."
Bonacic said that everyone is faced with paring back their budgets. That includes: families, local governments, school districts, as well as the State. Governor Paterson had been working diligently to address the State’s looming economic woes, and the Senate has been and will continue to work with the Governor to curb State spending, but the Senate Majority will not support any new taxes.
"Speaker Silver wants to punish hardworking upstate New Yorkers who already contribute to the local New York City economy," Senator Bonacic continued. "A new commuter tax would place an additional strain on the upstate economy, as well as individual commuters, just to benefit New York City. This is unacceptable."
"It’s time for the people in the Hudson Valley region to join me and voice their strong opposition to Speaker Silver’s support to impose a commuter tax that was abolished nearly ten years ago. Anyone interested in signing on to my petition opposing this tax can do so at: www.senatorbonacic.com; click on say no to new tax," Bonacic concluded.