Senator Bonacic Opposed To New Federal Designation

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) expressed his outrage with the reported agreement of the Federal government to designate much of New York State as a National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor. The Corridor designation expands the ability of companies such as New York Regional Interconnect (NYRI) to site power lines in the Hudson Valley and Catskills.

"This agreement gives companies the ability to trample on property owners in our region," fumed Senator Bonacic. "This action is a blatant disregard of the hard-working families who have invested their time and money in their property and homes."

Senator Bonacic is currently being sued by NYRI for his efforts to support private property rights and oppose eminent domain by power companies. Since the power line project was first unveiled Senator Bonacic has:

Brought the region’s local officials to meet in Albany with top officials from the Public Service Commission to formulate strategies to fight NYRI;

Successfully demanded that NYRI hold public information sessions in Sullivan County to address the issues raised by area residents;

Secured State funds in the amount of $50,000 for the Upper Delaware Council to fight NYRI;

Organized, along with four other State Senators, an eight-county coalition of local officials to work to stop NYRI;

Introduced and secured the passage of legislation to prohibit NYRI from using State eminent domain laws to take private property;

Worked with four Senators to secure $1 million legal war chest for localities to fight the power lines.

Senator Bonacic concluded, "I will continue to fight at every level of government to stop NYRI. NYRI does not belong in the Hudson Valley or the Catskills. NYRI belongs in the backyards of foreign investors and in the backyards of Congressman who are standing with NYRI and allowing its federal authority to crush the rights of our taxpayers."