Senator Flanagan Brings Tax Relief Call Directly To Governor Spitzer
Senator John J. Flanagan (2nd Senate District), in a joint letter with his Long Island Senate Majority Delegation colleagues, brought his fight for Long Island's fair share of education funding and tax relief directly to Governor Eliot Spitzer.
In the letter sent to Governor Spitzer as he prepared his 2008 State of the State address, the Long Island senators call on him to make reducing the tax burden faced by our region a main focus of his speech and his upcoming Executive Budget proposal.
They expressed the need for the state to "explore and embrace innovative, long-term solutions through which the state enhances the accountability of school district budgets and more efficiently deploys state resources to absorb burgeoning school district expenses, while ensuring that the resultant savings directly benefit property taxpayers."
Governor Spitzer will deliver his State of the State address on Wednesday, January 9th and will unveil his proposal for the state budget on Tuesday, January 22nd.
Please click here to view the letter from Senator Flanagan and the Long Island Senate Majority Delegation.
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