Senator Golden Invites Junior High Students To Compete To Be A Senator For A Day
State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District), a member of the State Senate Committee on Education, is announcing that he will be hosting his 6th Annual "State Senator For A Day" essay contest and has invited local junior high school participation within grades 6, 7, and 8, throughout District 20, 21, and 22.
Senator Marty Golden is asking students to write essays of no more than 250-words which begins with the phrase, "If I were a State Senator for a Day...". In the past, students have written about issues facing the community such as public safety, parks, and schools, senior citizens, streetlights, traffic congestion and have suggested ideas for legislation. The winning essays are judged on content and creativity. In the past, over a thousand students submitted their essays for consideration. The deadline for essay submissions is Friday, February 29, 2008.
Finalists will be notified and invited to a special ceremony in the Spring where they will read aloud their essays in front of a panel of judges comprised of members of the press. The winner of the contest and their class will be invited to Albany where they will see the legislative process in action.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "This contest has become a tradition of our community’s education as well as a learning tool for both the students and myself. I always find it extraordinary to see the talent and the ideas our school children brought to light through their essays. I proudly admit that I have taken many of the suggestions offered to my desk where I have addressed the issues raised by our school children. The young minds of this community are brilliant the future of this community is truly in good hands."
For more information, contact Senator Golden’s office at (718) 238-6044 or (718) 627-3659.