Senator Breslin Asks Senate Republicans To Call Off "wasteful" Second Day Of Session
ALBANY, NY – (August 1, 2008) – Senator Neil Breslin (D-Albany) is asking Senate Republicans to call off a second scheduled special session for Friday, August 8, citing high fuel costs and per diem for lawmakers in session.
This week Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Center) called Senators back to reopen dialogue on fiscal reforms. The move will piggyback a Tuesday, August 19 special "economic" session Governor David A. Paterson called for this week after declaring the state was in a recession.
"The recession red flag has been raised and the first thing we do is compound our problems with needless spending," said Senator Breslin. "It's wasteful to call back the Legislature twice to speak both times on the same topic. We know what needs to be done and it should be done in one day."
With a looming $6.4 billion state deficit Governor Paterson has ordered all executive agencies to reduce spending by $630 million and a hard hiring freeze has been put in place. The Governor has asked that the legislature consider another $600 million in cuts to produce a combined savings of $1.2 billion, both eliminating this year's budget shortfalls and reducing projected gaps in the 2009-10 budget.
Both the Governor and Senate Republicans have publicly stated that everything is on the table for possible cuts. Given the fiscal situation, the cost of gasoline and per diem to be paid to lawmakers in session, the last thing legislators should be doing is ferrying between Albany and their districts, Breslin said.
The senator added: "We've been asked to come up with $600 million. That's money that funds services, provides jobs and stimulates our local economies. As lawmakers, we need to be in our districts to assess how we can balance the needs of our communities with the needs of the state. Scheduling two days in Albany is counterproductive and wastes time and money."