A Night Of Dominican Embrace In The Bronx

The 3rd annual Night of Dominican Embrace in the County of the Bronx will take place this Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the elegant hall of Maestros Caterers, located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue, off Morris Park Avenue, in The Bronx.
This event, sponsored by Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz, Assemblyman Ruben Diaz Jr., and Christian Community Benevolent Assoc., is a prelude to the Great Bronx Dominican Day Parade and in recognition of the tremendous contributions of Dominicans in our communities.
This year’s Night of Dominican Embrace will be dedicated to:
Isolda Peguero.................. National Corresspondent for Telemundo,
Jose Acosta........................ Reporter for El Diario La Prensa,
Minerva Saint-Hilaire........Television Producer and Host,
Nestor Montilla...................Director of Public Relations for Hostos Community College,
Dr. Rafael Rodriguez...........Citywide Dental, y
Carlos de la Vega................El Show de Carlitos de la Vega on Supercanal.
.For more information,. Please call Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz’s office at (718) 991-3161.