Senator Ruben Diaz Calls Upon The Bloomberg Adminstration For Immediate Justice For Sean Bell’s Murder
New York State Senator Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) calls upon New York City Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly to explain why Sean Bell was gunned down this weekend by New York undercover Police Officers.
Senator Ruben Diaz extends his deepest sympathy to the family of Sean Bell, whose life ended when five New York City Police Officers discharged more than 50 bullets toward him and members of his wedding party.
"This immediately brings to mind the killing of Amadou Diallo who was killed by a hail of 41 bullets from the guns of four New York City Police Officers in my district in February, 1999," stated Senator Rev. Diaz. "Former Mayor Giuliani was blamed at that time for the misconduct of those four police officers. Is Mayor Bloomberg going to accept responsibility for this same type of police misconduct toward an unarmed Black man – and will this Mayoral Administration begin to give us answers and address the overaggressive police response that certain New Yorkers face?"
Senator Ruben Diaz, a Member of the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee, intends to monitor and investigate this incident.
For further information, please contact Senator Rev. Diaz at 718/496-4793.