Senator Duane: 'College Goal Sunday' Helps New York Families Plan And Pay For College Education
State Senator State Senator Tom Duane (D, WFP-Manhattan), who in fall 2007 hosted a series of 29th Senate District forums on accessing college financial aid, today lauded an upcoming one-day special event designed to help high school seniors and their families complete and file federal aid applications electronically.
"College Goal Sunday," a national initiative hosted locally by the New York State Financial Aid AdministratorĀfs Association (NYSFAAA) and the New York State Higher Education Services Corp. (HESC), has assisted thousands of families with access to higher education opportunities.
"Students looking for federal and state aid next school year should not wait until the last minute to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)," said Senator Duane, noting that the FAFSA is a federally required form for students seeking financial aid, such as grants, work-study funds and loans.
This year, NYSFAA and HESC have once again teamed up to host College Goal Sunday at numerous locations throughout the state, including A. Philip Randolph High School at 135th Street and Convent Avenue in Manhattan on Sunday, February 10 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
"As we all know, filling out financial aid paperwork can be daunting process, but this innovative program cuts through the paper jungle," the Manhattan lawmaker said. "Don't miss this chance for some free, hands-on help."
Senator Duane encouraged interested students and their families to visit www.collegegoalsundayny.com to prepare for College Goal Sunday. The website includes a step-by-step checklist detailing the process of pulling together necessary forms and information and completing the documents families will need to bring to the event.
"These days it takes more than good luck to pay for college -- you need a plan of action," Senator Duane concluded. "This event is a golden opportunity for any high school student thinking about going to college and worrying about how to pay for it."
Senator Duane and his Democratic Senate colleagues have also produced a directory of financial aid and academic support programs for low-income New Yorkers entitled, "Yes! You Can Go to College." You can download it in .pdf form from www.nyssenate29.com, request a copy by calling Senator Duane's office at (212) 633-8052, or email your request with your name, address and phone number to duane@senate.state.ny.us with "College Financial Aid Booklet" in the subject line.