Senator To Join Orange County Students At Unique Heart Healthy/life Saving Presentation & Demonstration

Thomas P. Morahan

New York State Senator Thomas P. Morahan will participate in an American Heart Month event at Warwick Valley High School on Thursday, February 14, 2008. Ninth and tenth graders from Warwick Valley High School will attend a special assembly program at the school at which time Warwick School District Superintendent, Dr. Frank Greenhall, will introduce the following:

A presentation by Mr. Jeff Reilly, Vice President of St. Anthony's Community Hospital--- on life-saving/heart healthy tips for young people.

A presentation to the school by New York State Senator Thomas P. Morahan of 14 portable AED's, funded through a state grant.

Remarks by New York State Trooper Linda Cotter-Forbes, the mother of the first child in New York State--whose life was saved by an AED; Trooper Forbes will demonstrate proper use of the AED.
