Stachowski Secures $5,000 Grant for Character Council

William T. Stachowski

Senator William Stachowski (D 58th District) today announced that he has secured a $5,000 Legislative Initiative Grant for the Character Council of Hamburg. Senator Stachowski presented Suzanne McKenny, President of the Hamburg Character Council, with a check for the amount of the grant this morning in his Clinton Street office.

This grant will help the Character Council of Hamburg hold its first annual “Creating a Culture of Character” conference,” stated Stachowski. “The work done by the Council in promoting good character in business, government, education and law enforcement is a tremendous asset to the community.”

The Character Council of Hamburg was founded in 2000 by Suzanne McKenny. The mission statement for the Council is to help the Town of Hamburg be a town of good character, by strengthening its citizens, their families, and the community as a whole, by promoting and displaying excellence in character.