Carl L Marcellino

Senator Carl L. Marcellino today applauded the US Department of Commerce decision to turn down the Broadwater project, a proposed floating liquefied natural gas barge in Long Island Sound.

"It is truly significant to have the US Department of Commerce to independently concur that Broadwater is wrong for Long Island Sound. If we are to protect the Sound's ecology and economic significance than the only reasonable position is to reject Broadwater and find an alternative," said Senator Marcellino.


Numerous environmental concerns have been raised regarding the project including the disturbance of 7,000 square feet of sea floor on which the vessel will be anchored and a 25 mile ditch along the bottom of the Sound to accommodate pipeline connections. In addition, tankers traveling in and out of the Sound two to three times a week will bring in added pollution while industrializing the horizon like never seen before. Further questions regarding gas leaks, explosions, or tankers that become disabled and run ashore as a result of human error, terrorism or natural disasters.

"Broadwater will not solve our energy problems and if we know one thing for certain, it is not going to benefit our local environment. All who greatly value the Sound’s ecological significance and its contribution to the region’s quality of life and to the regional economy should be thrilled with this determination."


"I join with residents, environmentalists and with any person who has ever boated, fished, sailed or enjoyed a LI Sound sunset, and thank the US Department of Commerce for saying no to the construction of Broadwater," Senator Marcellino said.