Social-Emotion Learning Reduces Violence
In support of public safety and in response to violent incidents in New York City involving school aged youth and adults, Tracey Collins, Principal, and Founder of “Fully Persuaded for Children and Families, Inc.,” will come to apartment building lobbies, community rooms or organizations and provide free social–emotional learning classes for children or adults. After reading about the following incidents, Ms. Collins partnered with my office to help bring these services to interested people across the city:
-A Brooklyn nurse on her way to swim practice with her 9 year old son, was killed by a stray bullet during a gunfight between two disputing adults
-An 11 year old was shot after opening the door to his home in Queens, NY
-A Bronx father was allegedly shot and killed over an apparent "eye-rolling" incident between his 13-year-old daughter and the shooter's girlfriend. When asked: “Can’t we talk?” reportedly the shooter said: “I don’t talk, I pop off.”
In addition, on a national scale youth violence statistics indicate that:
-Almost 30% of the youth in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both. Of this number, 13% reported bullying others, 11% reported being the target of bullies, and another 6% said that they bullied others and were bullied themselves.
Research has proven that Social-Emotional Learning is critical to success in school and in life. It is a process which involves developing skills to:
-Recognize and manage emotions
-Demonstrate caring and concern for others
-Handle challenging situations constructively
-Making responsible decisions (especially in the heat of a moment)
-Establish positive relationships
Fully Persuaded for Children and Families Inc., is a not for profit whose mission is to facilitate Social Emotional Learning as an essential part of cultivating responsible decision making, safety, and promoting positive community relations. If you would like more information on these free social-emotional learning classes, kindly contact Tracey Collins at (718) 612 2004 or email: clym2@aol.com.