Senator Farley Honors Lexington’s Flame With Achievers’ Award
State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C - Schenectady) announced Lexington's musical group FLAME will receive the New York State Senate Achievers' Award on April 24th in a ceremony to be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Legislative Office Building, Albany. The prestigious award recognizes individuals who have overcome personal physical challenges and honors their accomplishments on behalf of their community.
FLAME performed at last year's event when Fulton County resident and State Trooper Matthew Swartz was honored by Senator Farley.
"All of my colleagues in the Senate were impressed with FLAME's performance," Senator Farley said. "I've also been tracking all of their great success over the years and this group of individuals truly deserves this recognition."
According to the band's website, www.flametheband.com, in 2003, 11 individuals with autism, Down's syndrome, blindness and other developmental and physical disabilities came together to perform music. Since then, FLAME has released a musical CD and has given numerous performances throughout New York State and beyond.
FLAME consists of: Michelle King (lead vocals, guitar); David LaGrange (drummer, vocals); Kenny Dickson (percussion, vocals); Falon McBride (percussion, vocals); Scott Stuart (percussion, vocals); Nick Robinson (bass guitar); Shawn Lehr (percussion) Paul Zuckerwar (percussion); Jimmy Elwood (shakers, dancing); Debbie Woodruff (shakettes, dancing); Karl Blanchard (shakettes, dancing).