Job Creation Needs To Be Focus Of Federal Stimulus
“As we deal with an economic crisis here in New York it is important that any federal stimulus dollars we receive are put to use creating and retaining jobs and strengthening our economy.
“My senate Republican colleagues and I strongly support using funds from the stimulus package to invest in infrastructure improvements and capital projects, provide tax relief to families and businesses, and to address New York’s budget deficit in a way that protects access to health care and ensures a quality education for our children, while cutting wasteful spending. These funds must be used to help grow our way out of the current downturn.
“I’m disappointed that so far Governor Paterson and other political leaders from New York City have failed to offer anything new except new taxes and fees, and spending increases. This is not the strategy needed to stimulate our state’s economy.
“We need to fund road and bridge improvements and sewer and waste water needs. We need to consult with local officials and community leaders who have helped identify shovel-ready projects that will create thousands of new jobs. We also need to focus in on reforms of Medicaid and welfare programs, putting an end to fraud and other abuses.
“This stimulus package is a one-time opportunity we cannot waste. We need to take these funds and invest them into fundamental structural reforms that will get New Yorkers working and pay dividends for years to come.