Senator Flanagan Hosts Second Annual Photography Contest
Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) would like to invite all students who reside in the 2nd Senate District and who are in the eighth grade and above to take part in his 2nd Annual Community Photography contest. This contest will focus on photographs of community-based events and will allow students to showcase their hometown or school.
Photographs can consist of a town government function or other public event; a building of some historical significance; or anything that the student feels captures the essence of their community. The entries will be judged by a panel who will look at content, photographic competence and additional artistic factors.
The winner of this contest, along with their parent or a chosen guardian, will be invited to be Senator Flanagan's guest in Albany during an upcoming session of the New York State Senate. In Albany, the winning student will be given a guided tour of the historic Capitol, visit the Senate photography staff for a personal lesson and be provided with access to the Senate Chamber to take pictures during a live Senate session.
Those interested in entering the contest should visit www.senatorflanagan.com and click on the link for on the home page for official contest rules and entry form.
To enter, students should mail their photographs - either on a disc or in printed form - to the following:
Senator John Flanagan’s 2nd Annual Community Photography Contest
260 Middle Country Road
Smithtown, New York 11787
Digital photographs can be submitted via the Internet to senatorflanaganphotocontest@hotmail.com. Negatives or slides will not be accepted and submitted photos will not be returned.
Students submitting photographs should include their name, grade and school along with where and when the photograph was taken. Additionally, their entry must include the contact information of their parent or guardian.
The deadline for submission of photographs is Thursday, May 21, 2009. Anyone with questions regarding this contest should contact Senator Flanagan’s Director of Communications Robert Caroppoli at 631-361-2154.
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