Senator Parker Encourages New Yorkers To Donate More Blood This Year

Critical Need to Restore Community Blood Supply
Brooklyn, NY-- State Senator Parker is calling upon the community to donate blood today to help replenish the local blood supply that has fallen sharply over the recent months. As the Honorary Chair of the Brooklyn and Staten Island Blood Services Volunteer Leadership Committee, Senator Parker notes a five to seven day supply is required to ensure that blood is available for scheduled surgical procedures, medical treatments for cancer patients and to meet emergency or unexpected disaster needs. To meet local needs, New York Blood Center (NYBC) requires 2,000 blood donations each day.
“It is important that we continue our efforts to increase awareness of the importance of blood donation to patients in need”, said Senator Parker. “Every organization, school, business, church and community group should either host a blood drive or encourage members to give blood regularly. It’s safe and easy, and there is no substitute for the generous gift of a blood donation to a patient. These actions would not only increase blood supply but enhance community involvement.”
Blood is traditionally in short supply during the winter months due to the holidays, travel schedules, inclement weather and illness. The NYBC notes that approximately every two seconds, someone needs blood, and one out of three people will need a life-saving blood transfusion in their lifetime.
If all eligible blood donors gave at least twice a year, it would greatly help in maintaining an adequate blood supply. Yet fewer than five percent of healthy Americans eligible to donate blood actually donate each year. In New York, only 2% actually donate. A single blood donation can help save the lives of up to three people. An adult of average weight has about 10 to 12 units of blood, so one pint is easy to spare. Once donated, blood can be separated into several components including red blood cells, platelets and plasma.
Some of the issues that can arise if there is not enough blood or not the right types; cancelled elective surgeries; Emergency Room closures; Delayed emergency medical procedures; Serious Delays in treatment for cancer and other chronically ill patients and Jeopardize patients dependent on routine transfusions
About Senator Kevin Parker
Senator Kevin S. Parker is committed to restoring the overall quality of life for the constituents of the 21st Senatorial District in Brooklyn. A lifelong Brooklyn resident, Senator Parker has been a Flatbush resident for more than 30 years. Having been nurtured, schooled and employed in the district, Senator Parker is intimately familiar with the needs of this ethnically diverse community that consists of 311,000 constituents in several communities which include: Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Ditmas Park, Kensington and Borough Park.