One New York Newscast -- Debut Edition
One New York News
One New York News is an exclusive production of the NYS Senate developed to inform you about what is happening in the legislature. The 15 minute newscast will take you across the state and through the Senate Chamber allowing you to have an inside look on legislation and initiatives.
The newscast is scheduled for release every two weeks by the One New York News team.
The first edition features the new Senate Majority and their ideas for economic solutions, closing the budget gap, avoiding home foreclosures and what’s being done to reform the rules of the Senate. The newscast also features the first-ever footage of Youtube video testimony submitted by freelance activist Jeff Tucci - using new technology as a vehicle to stop budget cuts.
One New York News is produced by Senate Media Services. General comments and questions about the newscast are welcomed via email at onenewyorknews@senate.state.ny.us.