Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Pays Tribute To Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., In Riverdale
New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) addressed the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale’s congregation as the Key Speaker on Monday, January 19, 2009 during their annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His message of hope was openly received by the people of Riverdale.
Senator Reverend Diaz spoke about the history of America’s Black community, the great injustices that have been part of that history, and the great step forward this year with our nation’s first elected Black President Barack Obama. Senator Diaz also spoke about the history of the Jewish people and the generations of injustice and suffering they have endured.
Senator Reverend Diaz insisted, “We must not compromise on the security of the State of Israel and we must remain committed to the people of Israel.”
“Reverend Diaz was wonderful and his remarks were inspiring. Our synagogue was honored to host him,” stated Ari Hoffnung, President of the Riverdale Jewish Community Council.
For further information, please contact Senator Diaz at 718/496-4793.