Grant To Help Renovate Historic Weller Library

By Jennifer Bogdan
MOHAWK — It's a financial challenge to refurbish a historic structure.
The Weller Library in Mohawk is no exception, according to library board President Edward View, who said the building is in need of $60,000 for renovations.
On Thursday, state Sen. James Seward, R-Milford, helped conquer a portion of that challenge when he presented board members with an $8,000 state grant for building improvements.
“They don't make them like this anymore,” Seward said as he toured the building that's at least 150 years old. “In our rural areas, libraries truly are community centers serving as the hub for countless activities.”
The funds will likely be used to redo the wood floors and fix the visibly peeling plaster that hangs from the walls and ceilings of the library's reading room.
MOHAWK - The library that's been a fixture of Mohawk for many years is now set to get a major facelift, thanks to a generous grant.
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