Senator Flanagan Helps Commack Scouts Achieve Badge

Senator John J. Flanagan (2nd Senate District) recently hosted members of Boy Scout Troop 125 of Commack as part of their efforts to achieve the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge. By joining with Senator Flanagan in his office, the scouts were able to satisfy one of the requirements for the badge.
During the meeting, Senator Flanagan discussed his role as a state legislator and spoke to the scouts about how they could play a role in the legislative process. The five boys took the opportunity to ask Senator Flanagan his views on a number of issues important to them.
"One of the great things about my job is that I am able to help introduce children to the government process and to show them how they can play a role in the future of our state. I truly enjoyed meeting them and I hope they enjoyed our discussion as much as I did," said Senator Flanagan.