The Time Is Now

Adriano Espaillat


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Dear Friends,

At midnight tonight, rent regulations protecting over two and half million tenants expire. As you may know, I've been working alongside tenant advocates to pass legislation that extends and strengthens rent regulations.

Unfortunately, Senate Republicans have blocked my pro-tenant legislation, instead offering up bills that will squeeze families out of affordable housing.

That's simply unacceptable. 

Following my meeting with Governor Cuomo yesterday, I have once again rejected Republican moves to further weaken rent laws and allow landlords to raise rents and harass tenants.  Speaking at a rent rally yesterday, I promised that we will not leave Albany until we pass a strong rent regulations bill (Please see today's story in the New York Times).  

I know that New York, as we know it, will cease to exist if we drive middle class and working-families out of the City. That's exactly what will happen if we lose the remaining units of affordable housing in New York. 

For the next 12 hours - and beyond - I will continue to fight to make sure millions of tenants are protected. I am working closely with Governor Cuomo who has joined us in our call for the extension and strengthening of rent regulations. 

 We will stay in the capitol as long as it takes. We will pass strong rent regulations. Period.


Adriano Espaillat

State Senator, 31st District