Hugh T. Farley

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) announced today the New York State Senate will be holding a public hearing on the consolidation of state agencies proposed in the Executive Budget. The hearing will be on Monday, March 7, 2011, at 11 a.m. in Room 711A of the Legislative Office Building in Albany.

The hearing will further assist the Legislature in identifying and learning about concerns with the Executive Budget proposal, including impacts on the delivery of services, the state workforce and cost savings.

Administration officials scheduled to testify include Paul Francis, Director of Agency Redesign & Efficiency and Co-Chair of the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission (SAGE) and Elizabeth Glazer, Deputy Secretary for Public Safety. Also scheduled to testify are: Ken Brynien, President of PEF; Russ Haven of NYPIRG; Michael Smith, President and CEO of the NYS Bankers Association; Ellen Melchionni, President of the NY Insurance Association and Michele McKeon, CEO of the NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Governor Cuomo’s proposed 2011-2012 Budget would consolidate 11 agencies, divisions and offices into four agencies. The Department of Correctional Services and the Division of Parole would be joined to form the new Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. A new Division of Criminal Justice Services would be created from the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the Office of Victim Services, the State Commission of Correction, and the Division of Criminal Justice Services. The Department of Banking, Department of Insurance, and State Consumer Protection Board would be merged to form a new Department of Financial Regulation. In addition, the Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation would be merged into the current Empire State Development Corporation.