Senator Martins Helps Injured Firefighter

From the New Hyde Park Illustrated News, an Anton Community Newspaper
Members of the volunteer fire services are used to coming to the aid of others. Knowing the value of volunteer firefighters in Nassau County communities, New York State Senator Jack M. Martins was glad to help one of the members of New Hyde Park’s Fire Department’s bravest.
Last Feb. 4, members of the New Hyde Park Fire Department responded to a fire in the basement of a home on 6th Avenue in New Hyde Park. Several firefighters were injured fighting the blaze including Max Devane, who was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
Injured firefighter Max Devane has a chance to thank New York State Senator Jack Martins for helping him receive his SUNY Maritime deposit.
At the time, Devane was in his second semester at SUNY Maritime. Since he could not continue classes because of his injuries, having spent approximately a month in the hospital, Devane was forced to withdraw from the school. Since classes had already started, Devane was still charged 30 percent of his tuition for the spring semester.
When learning that Devane was still required to pay part of the tuition for the semester, Senator Martins intervened and was able to get Devane and his mother Linda a full refund. Although SUNY Maritime has guidelines regarding dates for tuition refunds, Senator Martins felt that Devane’s situation was a special case.
“Max is a young man who is willing to give his time and risk walking into a burning building to help his community. He shouldn’t be penalized for not being able to continue his classes because he was injured in the line of duty. I’m glad SUNY Maritime was able to realize that this was a special circumstance,” said Senator Martins.
Devane is still recovering from injuries but the outlook is great. “It cannot be understated that our fire departments here are volunteer. Our brave firefighters risk their safety because they want to help others and serve their communities. I applaud Max and the other members of the New Hyde Park Fire Department,” Senator Martins said. “I am glad that Max is recovering. I hope he will continue his education. We need leaders like him in our communities.”