Dilan: GOP is dragging its feet on prison gerrymandering
Capital Confidential wrote Senate GOP once again going back on their word regarding LATFOR. GOP must uphold the law and count prisoners by their home address when it comes to redrawing district lines.
Republicans and Democrats, Assemblymembers and Senators: everyone involved with LATFOR, the legislative entity charged with drawing new voting districts, promised it will comply with a 2010 law to count prisoners at their last known address instead of their jail cells.
Case closed, right? Wrong [].
First, some Senate Republicans are challenging the constitutionality of that law, citing a line in the State Constitution which says the Census “shall be controlling” for purposes of redistricting. Democrats who favor the law, and passed it as part of the 2010 budget, say they’re within their rights because the Census Bureau allows states to choose how they do their counting.
Read the full article here.