Mayor Koch Calls for Senate Republicans to Keep Their Word and Support Independent Redistricting

Michael Gianaris

State of Politics wrote about the letter former Mayor Ed Koch sent to Senate Republicans who have gone back on their campaign promises for reform. He is calling on them to sign either my redistricting reform legislation or Senator Valesky's bill, otherwise they will be labeled "Enemies of Reform."

Senate Republicans should be receiving a letter this morning from former NYC Mayor Ed Koch. As you probably guessed, he is calling them out for failing to live up to the pledge they made to him to support a non-partisan redistricting commission.

In the letter, Koch informs the Senators that their districts are on his list of scheduled robo-calls. If they want off the list, they have to co-sponsor one of two bills in the Senate currently. One by Freshman Mike Gianaris, and the other by Senator Dave Valesky.

Read the full post here.