Senator Gianaris discusses Budget Cuts, Tax, Science Campus At Bd. 1

Michael Gianaris

The Queens Gazette wrote on the October Community Board 1 meeting, where questions were raised on how the state deficit will be handled this year. Senator Gianaris, as the keynote speaker, spoke about a range of topics including ways in which we can boost our economy and maintain community members' rights to services they need.

New York state faces a projected budget deficit of $2.4 billion next year and after closing a gap of $10 billion, largely through cuts to health care and education, the question raised at the October meeting of Community Board 1 was how the state will handle the deficit this year.

State Senator Michael Gianaris, the guest speaker, answered with a question of his own. “How many people make a million dollars here?” he asked in reference to a proposed “millionaire’s tax” on the state’s highest income earners. “Let’s make those who can totally afford to pay a little bit more so we don’t have to cut services for people.”


Concerning the possibility of an applied sciences and engineering campus on Roosevelt Island, Gianaris said it was “potentially a boon” for us in Western Queens, if we can get it, especially with the economy in as poor shape as it is”. Bids are due from schools, including Cornell and Stanford Universities, by October 28 and a selection decision has been promised by the city by the end of the year.

In connection with one in a number of groping incidents, this one occurring early on October 18 at Broadway and 31st Street, Gianaris said police had taken an individual into custody but the victim had already left the scene, perhaps to go to work. “We need her to come forward,” he said. Noting a rash of such incidents, Gianaris said the frequency was disturbing. “We are anxious to put an end to this,” he said.

Gianaris said he and other community representatives are objecting to a proposed power plant by U.S. Power Generating Corp. on 20th Avenue along Shore Boulevard because the new facility would increase emissions. “We’re going to be steadfast and maintain the position we’ve had for cleaner air,” he said.

Read the full article here