O'Mara: share your suggestions for cutting government spending, waste

Albany, N.Y., May 13—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R-C, Big Flats) encouraged the region’s local officials, business leaders, educators and any other concerned citizens to respond to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s call for direct public input on improving the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of state government programs and services.
O’Mara said that the Cuomo administration launched a website earlier today for the state’s newly established Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, commonly known as the SAGE Commission. The SAGE Commission is charged with leading the first major overhaul of the state bureaucracy since the late 1920’s.
The new SAGE website, www.governor.ny.gov/sage, is aimed at collecting the public’s suggestions for improving the efficiency of government services. To provide input, click on the “Submit a Suggestion” link on the SAGE home page.
O’Mara’s been strongly supportive of the commission, first proposed by the governor earlier this year and included as part of this year’s state budget.
Now he’s pleased that the public can provide direct input.
“I hear suggestions all the time from my constituents about wasteful government spending, mismanaged government programs, and abused government services,” said O’Mara. “Now we have a direct line of input into the number one government reform effort underway in New York State, and we should take every advantage of the opportunity.”
The site will also provide additional information and other updates on the commission’s work, including its recommendations. The commission is scheduled to issue a final package of recommendations by June 1, 2012.