Activities Celebrating the Outdoors Slated for This Weekend

Enjoy the great outdoors this weekend as the area celebrates National Trails Day and Schenectady hosts a free fishing clinic.
The American Hiking Society is hosting the annual National Trails Day on Saturday, June 2nd, and celebrates the hard work of volunteers to make trails available to Americans. The day also increases awareness about trails and introduces people to the benefits of hiking and being outdoors. Caroga Lake is hosting events throughout the entire weekend, including hiking trips, trail maintenance projects and informational booths. For more information on the Caroga Lake activities, visit http://www.americanhiking.org/NTDSearchResultOrganisationDetails.aspx?NTDId=3607
For information on the overall celebration, visit http://www.americanhiking.org/
Also this Saturday, Schenectady's Central Park will be host to a free fishing clinic sponsored by the State Department of Environmental Conservation. The Family Fishing Clinic will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Iroquois Lake. For more information, call 402-8891 or visit http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/27123.html This event also promotes the upcoming free fishing weekend in New York State, which is slated for June 23rd and 24th this year. During those two days, anyone can fish New York State waters, and no fishing license is required. For more information on the free weekend, visit http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6091.html#Days