Don’t play Senate’s game
Times Union wrote an editorial that criticizes the Senate Republicans' redistricting proposal, saying that New Yorkers should not tolerate such an unfair process and should focus their attention on the Senate Republicans' broken promise to bring about fair and independent redistricting reform.
New Yorkers shouldn’t go along with a rigged redistricting process. They should demand that lawmakers honor their word to make it fair and independent.
Arguing about the boundaries of a new state Senate district and the finer points of redistricting theory, like whether the city of Albany has more in common with Troy than Westerlo, is missing the point: We should not be having this discussion at all.
We should be insisting, over and over, that Senate Republicans answer the real question here: What happened to the independent redistricting process that they promised?
That’s a question they’d like to dodge, because there is only one true answer: Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his members broke their word. And now they’re trying to impose a whole new Senate district on New York in order to preserve, if not expand, their tenuous majority.
Read the full article here.