City and State wrote an editorial that talks about the upcoming release of New York state's new lines for election districts. Senator Gianaris believes that LATFOR's redistricitng process is nothing more than a political power play.
It was one of the last of the group’s dozens of public hearings before drafting new lines for election districts. Dilan, representing the Senate Democratic Conference on the task force, was upset about a memo from a Senate Republican lawyer that advocated for a 63rd Senate seat. The memo had been placed on the LATFOR website late on a Friday, with no Democratic input.
But there are a few big differences in this year’s redistricting fight. One is Democrats’ hope that Cuomo will veto the lines, as he has repeatedly promised.
“Other than the Albany parlor game of people assuming the worst, there’s been no indication that he’s backing off of it one iota, and we stand shoulder to shoulder with Governor Cuomo in insisting on reform,” said state Sen. Michael Gianaris, a Queens Democrat.
Read the full article here.