10th Annual Health & Fitness Fair

The Health Fair is free and open to the public, and residents from across the surrounding area are encouraged to attend and take part in this informative event. Preceding the Health Fair is the 8th Annual Brooke Jackman Foundation Race for Literacy .
Saturday, May 18th Audrey Avenue in Oyster Bay will be the home to many exhibitors as they demonstrate their specialties. Whether its live entertainment, fitness demonstrations, health screenings, interactive children's displays, sports, nutritious refreshments or just fun that interests you, join Senator Marcellino and the Oyster Bay – East Norwich Chamber of Commerce at this year's Annual Kickoff to a Healthy & Fit Summer, Saturday, May 18th from 11am – 4pm.
· Take part in the 8th Annual Brooke Jackman Foundation Race for Literacy. The 5K run/walk will take will place at 10:15 am and the free 1/4 mile fun run for future Olympians, age 10 and under starts at 9:15 am. For more about the race click here: http://brookejackmanfoundation.org/events/
· Bring your bicycle & safety gear! Bicycle Rodeo & Skills and Safety Clinic, for children ages 4 to 12. Tom Oaks, a school teacher who teaches bicycle and safety skills will be running a 'skills clinic' for children ages 4 to 12 every 30 minutes beginning at 11:30. Prior to each 'clinic' the instructor will be going over bicycle safety, which includes proper fitting of helmets and protective gear. He will also be instructing parents on how to teach their children to ride!
· A “Shed the Meds” program will take place to help residents safely dispose of their expired or unused medications Residents can drop off any medication that has expired or they no longer need at Senator Marcellino’s table where it will be collected and safely disposed of by officers from the Nassau County Police Department.
"Each year I look forward to both the Health Fair and the Brooke Jackman Race for Literacy. This is a wonderful chance for families to gain information from a wide variety of exhibitors, as well as having a lot of fun," concluded Senator Marcellino "I urge young and old to take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn about the latest tips on how to have a healthy lifestyle and enjoy doing it."
The Brooke Jackman Foundation is a not for profit organization created in response to the 9/11 World Trade Center attack that claimed the life of 23 year old Oyster Bay resident Brooke Jackman. Its mission is to honor Brooke's deep love of reading and interest in helping children by creating and supporting programs enhancing the literacy and self esteem of children.
For further information call 516-922-1811
Spring into fun with
Senator Marcellino & the Oyster Bay – East Norwich Chamber of Commerce
at the10th Annual Health & Fitness Fair &
The Brooke Jackman Foundation 8th Annual Race for Literacy