Oneida City School District Foundation Honors 13 on Wall of Distinction

David J. Valesky

 By Michael Yeoman

POSTED: 10/15/13, 5:56 PM EDT

ONEIDA >> The Oneida City School District Foundation hosted its second annual All Alumni Dinner and Inaugural Wall of Distinction Induction Saturday night to a full house at the Kallet Civic Center.

Thirteen individuals who were either students or employees of the Oneida City School District joined their peers who were among the inaugural class of inductees last year. Four of this year’s inductees were honored posthumously. 

According to the OSCDF those who are chosen to receive this honor have made an outstanding contribution in their professional field or have served the OSCD with distinction. They are role models for the community who inspire future students to strive for success in the paths of the accomplishments that they have made.

This year’s inductees include college professors, several doctors, a priest, teachers, a community relations professional, a chairman of the board, a police officer, a political scientist, a school superintendent and a state senator.

The foundation noted that their professional accomplishments are impressive, these individuals stand out through their work volunteering, coaching, serving in various capacities for non-profit and community organizations and donating their time, talents and financial support.

The following are the 2013 inductees of the OSCDF Wall of Distinction:

•Edward Cavanagh, OHS ‘67 - Professor of Law at St. John’s University School of Law.

•Dr. John Costello Sr. - retired OCSD Board of Education member and Doctor of Optometry.

•The Rev. Timothy Elmer - OHS ‘65 - Elevated by Pope Benedict to Monsignor in 2013.

•Jessie Griffing (postumous) - OHS Art Teacher 1964-1988.

•Michael Healy - OHS ‘70 - Director of Community Relations at Oneida Healthcare.

•Dr. Michael Jabot OHS ‘84 - Professor of Science Education at the State University of New York at Fredonia.

•Michael Kallet - First OCSD Foundation President - Chairman of the Board and CEO of Oneida Financial.

•Angelo “Angie” Ottaviano (posthumous) OHS ‘61 - Retired Oneida Police Officer.

•Dr. Kathleen Pendergast - (posthumous) OHS faculty 1941-61.

•Dr. Glendon Schubert - (posthumous) OHS ‘36 - Political Science Professor

•Dr. Peter Tamburro - Retired Superintendent Oneida School District

•Sen. David Valesky OHS ‘84 - NY State Senator

Dr. John Zair OHS ‘60 Chair and Professor of Virology City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, Calif.

According to the OCSDF, to be eligible for selection to the Wall of Distinction, nominees must have exemplified the tenets of the OCSD educational philosophy throughout their lives/ Alumni must have graduated from Oneida High School at least ten years prior to their nomination. Employees of the OCSD are eligible for nomination after five years following their retirement .

The Oneida City School District Foundation serves to complement the efforts of the Oneida City School District in providing a quality education for all students. Through various fund-raising events and private donations, the OCSD Foundation is able to provide opportunities to students and teachers that could not be offered if they were solely dependent on budgetary appropriations.