Listen to Senator O'Mara on this morning's WHCU Morning Newswatch with Lee Rayburn discuss the Senate's recently released 'Blueprint for Jobs' plan
Senator O'Mara joined WHCU's Lee Rayburn on the radio earlier this morning to discuss the Senate's "Blueprint for Jobs" plan with a focus on revitalizing New York State's manufacturing sector and devoting some special attention to our returning servicemen and servicewomen through a Hire-A-Vet tax credit -- each of which O'Mara has been pushing throughout the 2013 legislative session.
This morning's interview also included a brief update on state budget negotiations -- including comments on the Senate's and Assembly's rejection of Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposed six-percent, across-the-board reduction and fully restoring $120 million to the state Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) to continue state assistance to programs and services for people with developmental disabilities.
Listen to the full interview HERE.