Sen. David Valesky calls roll out of Common Core 'seriously flawed'
By Teri Weaver | tweaver@syracuse.com
February 07, 2014 at 2:17 PM, updated February 07, 2014 at 2:21 PM
SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Sen. David Valesky, D-Oneida, added to calls this week from Albany lawmakers to place a moratorium on Common Core, the controversial new testing standards in elementary and secondary schools.
"While I support the Common Core standards, I believe the rollout of those standards has been seriously flawed," Valesky said today in response to a question from a reader on www.syracuse.com. "As such, I support the call from legislative leaders in both houses to consider a moratorium on the use of testing results until the process can be improved."
Valesky also repeated his call for a ban on hydrofracking, called for increasing eligibility requirements for prescription drug costs for seniors and said he would run for re-election this fall during the hour-long online Q&A session.
Here's what he said on:
The NY Safe Act:
As I indicated last year after passage of the NY SAFE Act, I voted in favor of the proposal as a result of provisions that were included regarding mental health reporting requirements, life without parole for those convicted of murdering a first responder, and increased funding for school security measures.
As we await the results of the Health Department study on hydraulic fracturing, I want to reiterate my support for a ban on fracking.
The SU Sports arena
As you may know, Mayor Miner has named me to her task force that will examine the many questions she correctly raised recently. I look forward to participating in that process to determine the best course of action regarding any new sports arena.
Background checks on ammo sales
As you may be aware, the State Police Superintendent at the recent budget hearing testified that they are not prepared to implement the ammo check provision of the SAFE Act, and there was no deadline specified in this portion of the law.
The Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage program, or EPIC, has been critically important to thousands of New York seniors in helping with prescription drug costs. The income eligibility thresholds have not been raised in many years, and I am proposing increasing those limits so that many more seniors can take advantage of this program.
The full transcript is here.