Syracuse mayor leaves event before Gov. Andrew Cuomo speech begins

David J. Valesky

By Teri Weaver |

on April 14, 2014 at 3:34 PM, updated April 14, 2014 at 4:36 PM

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Mayor Stephanie Miner dropped by the CenterState CEO annual luncheon today, a collection of nearly 1,000 business leaders from Central New York gathered to talk economic development.

But by the time Gov. Andrew Cuomo began speaking shortly after the lights dimmed and people dug into their grilled chicken salad, Miner had left the building.

"The mayor is very busy," said her spokesman Alexander Marion. "She had other things to do back at the office."

Cuomo never mentioned Miner, a Democrat he picked nearly two years ago to co-head the state party, during his 30-minute address to the group at the Oncenter's Nicholas J. Pirro Convention Center.

Cuomo did mention several other local leaders, including Sen. David Valesky, D-Oneida, CenterState CEO Director Rob Simpson, and Syracuse University's newly inaugurated chancellor, Kent Syverud.

And "your phenomenal County Executive" Joanie Mahoney, Cuomo said, of one of his closest political and government allies in Central New York.

Cuomo and Miner have had an icy relationship since last year when she wrote an op-ed column in The New York Times criticizing his efforts to help fiscally challenged cities like Syracuse.

Cuomo's remarks focused on the state budget, a $143 billion plan he and lawmakers approved late last month. He's made similar victory speeches around the state since signing the spending plan - which includes some property tax relief tied to local government consolidation - into law.

After the speech, Cuomo didn't take questions from the press. His staff said his schedule in Syracuse was tight and that the speech started late.

The luncheon cost $65 to $80 per person, or $625 to $775 per table of 10 seats, according to CenterState's website.