Senator Farley Reminds Constituents To Be Prepared For Possible Emergencies

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) reminds constituents that September is designated as National Preparedness Month.
“With the volatile weather we have had over the past several years,” Senator Farley said, “We should be prepared in case a disaster -- natural or man-made -- happens.”
To highlight the designation of September as National Preparedness Month, Senator Farley offers the following tips:
* Prepare a disaster supply kit that would keep you and your family self-sufficient for three days, including: one gallon of water per person per day, stored in clean plastic containers; non-perishable food; first aid kit, including information on prescription medications and eyeglasses; battery-operated radio, flashlight and extra batteries; extra clothing; blankets or sleeping bags; and important papers such as identification, credit cards and cash.
* Discuss a family escape plan if it becomes necessary to leave your home during a disaster, and practice these plans periodically. Be informed of the disaster plans at your children's school and your workplace.
* Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home, check them for proper operation and make sure that you change batteries when you change your clocks (twice a year).
* During an emergency, stay tuned to local radio or television stations to receive instructions and the latest information about the progress of the situation.
For more information and preparedness tips, visit the American Red Cross at http://www.redcross.org/prepare and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at http://www.fema.gov/
In addition, Senator Farley has a brochure with safety and preparation information. To view it, visit www.nysenate.gov/files/pdfs/Emergency%20Preparedness.pdf. To obtain a copy, call his office at 455-2181 (Albany), 885-1829 (Ballston Spa) or 762-3733 (Johnstown). Constituents can also email Senator Farley at Farley@nysenate.gov.