WIVB-TV: Senator Grisanti Bill Would Ban Tattooing And Piercing Pets

“This practice needs to stop,” said Senator Grisanti. “Animals do not have the ability to make decisions on whether or not to get a tattoo or body piercing, but we as human beings can do the right thing and make it illegal for pet owners to tattoos or pierce their pets.”
In the bill, body piercing of a pet would only be allowed for medical purposes, while animal tattoos would only be permitted if it is determined a permanent mark on the skin is needed for a medical benefit or would be used strictly for identification purposes. Violations would carry fines of up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
“I believe that if given the choice, animals would decline to having themselves undergo a painful procedure of being either tattooed or pierced,” said Senator Grisanti. “On a number of different levels, this practice is a selfish act by a pet owner. No matter how you look at it, this is animal cruelty and we must do what we can to protect our dogs, cats and other pets from being put through that type of discomfort.”
The Humane Society of New York is one of the organizations supporting the bill.