O'Mara online poll: Will new anti-heroin laws help?

Elmira, N.Y., June 27—Now that New York State has enacted a comprehensive set of new anti-heroin laws, State Senator Tom O’Mara (R-C, Big Flats) is giving residents of his 58th Senate District the chance to let him know if they think the new laws will help stop heroin’s spread.
"It’s been a rapid legislative response to the number one threat to public health and safety in New York State today. Now we need to make sure that the laws are effective and take any additional steps that can help save lives,” said O’Mara, whose legislative district covers Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties, and a part of Tompkins County (the city and town of Ithaca, and the towns of Enfield, Newfield and Ulysses).
A new online poll has been posted on O’Mara’s Senate website to give local residents the chance to share their views on the state’s new anti-heroin laws.
To participate in the poll, CLICK HERE.
In March, the State Senate created a joint, bipartisan Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction which held nearly 20 public forums statewide, including one O’Mara sponsored at Elmira College in May. Following the forums, the Senate put forth and approved a series of anti-heroin recommendations, many of which have now been signed into law to enhance prevention and treatment services, heighten public awareness and education on heroin’s dangers, and increase some criminal penalties to try to deter the spread of the highly addictive drug.