Ortt’s Proposed Plan Would Keep More Casino Revenue in Falls; Spur Economic Development, Jobs

Sen. Ortt unveils his “Revitalize Niagara Plan”
Senator Ortt’s proposed “Revitalize Niagara Plan” would keep more of the revenue from the Seneca Niagara Casino in the City of Niagara Falls rather than in Albany. Under the plan, the current funding formula would be flipped, leaving the city and its stakeholders with 75 percent of the state’s appropriation, and the state with 25 percent. Money would also be set aside for private-sector investment around the casino, which would spur job creation. Click the links below for more information:
Niagara Gazette: Senator Proposes Keeping Majority of Casino Cash in Falls
The Buffalo News: Falls Share of Casino Profits Should be Tripled, Ortt Proposes
TWC News: State Senator Robert Ortt Proposes Casino Revenue Plan