April 19-26, 2015 is proclaimed Earth Week in New York State ~ Senate Environmental Conservation Committee Chairman O'Mara welcomes designation ~ Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day

Elmira, New York, April 17--State Senator Tom O'Mara (R,C-Big Flats), who earlier this year was named the new chairman of the Senate Envrionmental Conservation Committee, said today that April 19-26 has been proclaimed Earth Week in New York State.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 is Earth Day and Senator O'Mara noted that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has just announced a weeklong series of statewide events to commemorate the occasion. Read the governor's full announcement HERE, and additional Earth Week information HERE.
Reflecting on his new committee chairmanship, Senator O'Mara recently wrote, "I truly believe that there’s a critical piece of common ground that we all share when it comes to environmental conservation and protection, and it’s a common ground that’s a vital starting point for our future success. President Theodore Roosevelt once expressed it as 'the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us.' That’s the starting point. We have a responsibility to stewardship and conservation. We have a responsibility to do our best to address the challenges, to work through them, and consider and negotiate them in a balanced, deliberate, fair, serious and sensible way. I hope we will."
The senator also reminds the residents of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions he represents, together with all New Yorkers, that Saturday, May 2, 2015 is "I Love My Park Day" and the online registraton process for volunteers remains underway.
Read Senator O'Mara's weekly column, "Rainbow trout, maple syrup and and the EPF"