NYS launches Excelsior Conservation Corps ~ 'Create the next generation of conservation leaders' ~ Find out more and apply

New York State has announced the start of the "Excelsior Conservation Corps Americorps" program to encourage the next generation of conservation-minded young men and women to obtain valuable education, experience and training.
According to the announcement:
The Excelsior Conservation Corps AmeriCorps (ECC) will build upon the legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, providing 50 young men and women the opportunity to serve together as they restore, protect and enhance New York's natural resources and recreational opportunities that are the backbone of the state's outdoor experience.
The ECC will create the next generation of conservation leaders in New York State by empowering young people of all backgrounds through education, hands-on experience and training.
If you are interested in turning your passion for the environment into a career or exploring higher education opportunities in conservation, then the ECC is the right program for you.
Find out more and apply by visiting www.ny.gov/ECC.