Welcome back New York H.O.G. Rally! ~ Harley-Davidson owners return to the city of Corning for the first rally since 2001 ~ July 16-18 event organized by the Corning H.O.G. Chapter ~ Read more, find schedule of events

Below from The Leader:
CORNING | Roughly 1,000 bikers from across New York and beyond are expected to roll into Corning beginning Thursday.
For the first time since 2001, the city is hosting the New York H.O.G. Rally, an annual gathering of Harley-Davidson owners that will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
There were 875 Harley owners signed up as of Tuesday, and a late flurry of signups is expected, said Tom Doud of the Corning H.O.G. Chapter, which is organizing the rally. The event is held in a different location in New York each year.
Read more, "Corning to host Harley owner rally"
And read this recent Star-Gazette interview with Harley-Davidson President & CEO, and Ithaca native, Matt Levatich, "A Conversation With: Harley-Davidson's CEO"
Find more details, including a schedule of rides and other events, at http://nystatehogrally.com/index.html