Port Authority bus terminal plans to start over with community input, officials say

The Port Authority has reached an agreement with elected officials on a new “comprehensive planning process” to rebuild the agency’s aging bus terminal in Manhattan.
The new approach to designing and building the terminal will include an analysis of temporary or additional bus facilities in both New York and New Jersey as well as “significant stakeholder input,” according to a joint announcement on Tuesday from the Port Authority and pugnacious politicians that had previously fought the idea of building the new terminal in the area.
“We’re starting the process over,” said State Sen. Brad Hoylman. “Everything is on the table ... This is win for local community input. This is a win for our neighbors who live next to the busiest bus terminal in the northern hemisphere and this is a win for smart planning.”
Hoylman was part of a group of a half dozen Manhattan politicians from the federal, state and city level that rallied outside of a Port Authority board meeting in July to demand that the agency halt its $10 billion terminal replacement project, citing concerns of lack of transparency and eminent domain.
“We’ve forced the Port Authority to reconsider their ill-advised design process and brought them back to the table,” Hoylman said, “where they’re now going to engage the local community.”
The five concepts stemming from the the Port Authority’s design and delivery competition are now expected to serve as part of a larger scope of options for a new terminal. The concepts will be unveiled at the Port Authority’s board meeting on Thursday.
“The future planning for the project ... will fully examine the range of options for a new Bus Terminal and view the project in an appropriate regional context ...” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who was also part of the rally against the Port Authority’s original plan, in a statement.